以吹塑画闻名的宝山区被文化部命名为“中国现代民间绘画画乡”。 宝山吹塑画从1988年起步至今尚不足三年,然而在这短短的三年中却取得了令人震惊的辉煌成绩。在上海市和全国性、国际性各类美术大赛中,宝山吹塑画荣获四十多个奖项;在最近上海市第六届“江南之春”美展中,宝山吹塑画入选与获奖作品均居参赛单位之首。这些奖项包括1990年上海国际儿童画展儿童组一等奖、少年组一等奖,全国“双龙杯”少儿书画大赛金奖,“三毛杯”少儿书画大赛一等奖,全国中等学校师生美术大赛一
Baoshan District, famous for blow-molding, was named “Modern Chinese Folk Painting and Painting” by the Ministry of Culture. Baoshan blow molding started from 1988 has not yet reached three years, but in just three years has made a shocking brilliant achievements. In Shanghai and the national and international art competitions, Baoshan blow molding won more than forty awards; in the recent Shanghai sixth “Spring Jiangnan” exhibition, Baoshan blow selected and winning entries are Habitat in the first place. These awards include the first prize of Children’s Group of Shanghai International Children’s Painting Exhibition 1990, the first prize of juvenile group, the gold medal of “Ssangyong Cup” children’s painting and calligraphy contest, the first prize of “San Mug Cup” children’s painting and calligraphy contest, the national art teacher and student contest one