情景模型制作的灵感可以来自方方面面。雷·比恩先生创作“停靠上海”的灵感是看了一本现代海军的画册冒出来的。画册中的照片让他在脑海中勾勒出了一幅图画:美国海军在1989年首次访中国港口城市。雷先生对其中的“文化碰撞”很感兴趣:两艘现代战舰并排停泊在静静的海港中,周围是当地的小舢板,但它们之间正在和平相处。 幸运的是,White Ensign正好出品了两款1/350的“多媒体”套件,它们完全可以迎合雷先生的构思,其中“本杰明·斯托德特”号套件经过改
Scenario modeling inspiration can come from all aspects. Ray Bienn’s inspiration for “Docking Shanghai” was seen in a gallery of modern navies. The pictures in the album gave him a picture in his mind: The U.S. Navy first visited China’s port city in 1989. Mr. Ray is very much interested in the Cultural Crashes: Two modern warships are moored side by side in a quiet harbor surrounded by small local boards, but peace is there between them. Fortunately, White Ensign just produced two 1/350 of the “multimedia” suite, they can fully meet Mr. Ray’s idea, including “Benjamin Stoddart” kit after the change