1 亲本来源及选育经过黑龙江省农业科学院马铃薯研究所用Mira为基础材料 ,经过连续自交选育而成 ,原系谱号S9- 9- (12 )品系名称克 83- 2 8。 1999年经黑龙江省作物品种审定委员会认定 ,命名为克新 13。1982、1983年所内品种比较试验 ,从 34个品系中选出的优异材料 ,1985
1 Parental origin and breeding After the potato research institute of Heilongjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences used Mira as the basic material, it was made through continuous selfing and breeding. The original pedigree S9-9- (12) strain name was 83-288. Heilongjiang Province in 1999 by the Crop Variety Approval Committee identified as Kexin 13. 1982, 1983 comparative test of varieties, from 34 strains of excellent materials selected in 1985