ZrO2 氧传感器由于电极区气体扩散困难会导致电阻增大和过渡过程加剧 ,在ZrO2 氧传感器的阴极制造了一种延缓气体扩散的装置 ,将这些现象揭示出来 ,并进行了数学模拟 ,提出的模型可用于评价在役ZrO2 氧传感器电极状况和积灰程度。
ZrO2 Oxygen Sensor Because of the difficulty of gas diffusion in the electrode region, which leads to the increase of resistance and the increase of the transition process, a device for retarding the gas diffusion is produced in the cathode of the ZrO2 oxygen sensor. These phenomena are revealed and the mathematical simulation is performed. The proposed model is available To evaluate the condition and the degree of fouling of in-service ZrO2 oxygen sensor electrodes.