1 没有一个球员,没有一个教头,没有一个球迷敢否认运气在球赛中的作用。他们绝不敢胆大狂为地声称他们可以开顶风船,不管运气多坏仍能百战百胜。才华冠绝一时的克鲁伊夫,技艺炉火纯青的济科,怎么样?因时运不济,或功亏一篑,或出师未捷。相反肯佩斯、罗西、马特乌斯,以至那位贝肯鲍尔,哪个不是仰仗命运之神的青睐。因此大赛过后,金杯的归属,名次的排列都已板上定钉子,但看客们还尽可以议论一番运气,以鸣心中不平。
No player, no coach, no one dare to deny the role of luck in the game. They did not dare to go so far as to claim that they could open sailboats and victorious despite bad luck. Talented crown Cruyff, the art of pure Zico, how? Because of bad fortune, or fall short, or a masterless success. On the contrary Keppel, Rossi, Mateus, and even Beckenbauer, which is not dependent on the fate of God of all ages. Therefore, after the contest, the ownership of the Gold Cup, rankings have set the nail on the board, but the spectators have also been able to talk about some luck in order to ring the hearts of injustice.