走出去,请进来 2001年11月的一天,一位远道而来的客人光临了《南方体育》编辑部,他是韩国《朝鲜体育报》足球部记者秋渊求。编辑记者们都很好奇,刚开始,大家只是礼节性的交流,了解一下中韩两国体育记者和编辑的工作究竟有什么区别。过了一会儿,秋渊求切入了正题,他说,
Going out, please come in. One day in November 2001, a guest from afar visited the editorial department of Southern Sports. He is Qiu Yuan, the football chief of Korea’s “Korea Daily Sports” newspaper. Editors and reporters are all very curious. At the beginning, we only exchanged courtesy about the differences between the work of sports reporters and editors in China and South Korea. After a while, Qiu Yuan asked for the cut, saying,