Can a Government Initiate Enterprise Reform to Improve Efficiency? A Cross-Section Analysis of the C

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This paper examines the effects of state-owned enterprises (SOE) privatization,implemented by the Chinese government in the 1990s,on enterprise efficiency for a sample of non-privatized SOEs and privatized ex-SOEs.The study calculates input-oriented DEA meta-frontier efficiency scores,after accounting for heterogeneity in technology across groups.These scores are used to test whether or not one group's technology dominates the other.A measure of additional input saving is also provided if these enterprises have access to unrestricted meta-technology.The analysis of the Chinese pharmaceutical industry reveals that privatization has not improved enterprise efficiency,at least in the short run.Almost 56% of inputs could be proportionally saved if these privatized ex-SOEs had been efficient,relative to the meta-production technology while non-privatized SOEs could proportionally save only 51%.Privatized ex-SOEs had less ability to access to meta-technology.This finding could be explained by subsequent observations that China,at the time of our analysis,did not have well-established intellectual property rights and formal drug approval procedures;these two factors are important driving forces for developing joint ventures with foreign investors to gain additional capital funding and technology transfer.Broadly speaking,our results are consistent with the subsequent shakeup in the Chinese pharmaceutical industry.
摘要:新课改下的高中物理学科要关注学生学习能力的培养和核心素养的养成,特别是实验教学。借助于实验的方法吸引学生的注意力,让学生主动参与其中,了解学科、了解实验、参与小组合作、增强协调能力,结合实际案例激发学生的探究兴趣,鼓励学生创新,不断地提升学生的学科素养。   关键词:核心素养;物理实验;教学探究  中图分类号:G633.7 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1992-7711(2019)11-
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This article tries to explain elitism in China's governmental decision making.Our model shows that the governments' expected utility increases with a bureaucrat