1.今年印尼天然胶出口将下降10%据印度尼西亚《商报》6月24日报道,今年印度尼西亚天然橡胶园业绩有疲软的趋向,可从出口数量和出口值降低看出,1~5月的天然橡胶平均价格比去年同期降低。印尼橡胶业协会(Gapkindo)主席阿斯利尔·苏丹·阿米尔(Asril Sutan Amir)预计,今年印尼天然橡胶出口将从去年的254万吨降至228万吨,降低10%,产量也将从去年的309万吨降至278万吨,降低10%。他表示,政府应努力应对目前发生的天然橡胶出口业绩下降问
1. Indonesian natural rubber exports will drop 10% this year According to the Indonesian “Commercial Daily” June 24 reported that Indonesia’s natural rubber plant this year, the performance of the weak trend can be seen from the export volume and lower export value seen from January to May The average price of natural rubber lower than the same period last year. Asril Sutan Amir, chairman of Indonesia’s Gapkindo, predicts Indonesia’s natural rubber exports will drop to 10.82 million tons this year from 2.54 million tons last year, Last year’s 3.09 million tons fell to 2.78 million tons, down 10%. He said the government should work hard to deal with the decline in the current natural rubber export performance