中国古代文学教材建设既是一门传统学科重要的基本建设,又是一项艰巨而复杂的工作。笔者在教学和教材编写实践中,对此有一些零星的想法,兹不揣冒昧写出,以向同仁求教。 一、学科性与学术性 中国古代文学是汉语语言文学专业的主干课之一,是一门基础学科、传统学科。中国古代文学教材的学科性,决定了它具有自身的特点,不同于一般的学术著作。其主要区别在于,作为教材,必须重视知识性和系统性,这与重在专门研究,以创新为要旨的学术著作有所不同。比如教材写到《诗经》,不能不介绍《诗
The construction of teaching materials for ancient Chinese literature is both an important infrastructure for traditional disciplines and an arduous and complicated task. The author in the practice of teaching and teaching materials, there are some sporadic ideas, do not presume to write out to seek advice to my colleagues. I. Disciplinary and Academic Chinese ancient literature is one of the main courses in Chinese language and literature and is a basic discipline and a traditional discipline. The discipline of ancient Chinese literature determines that it has its own characteristics, different from the general academic works. The main difference is that as textbooks, attention must be paid to knowledge and systematization, which is different from the academic works that emphasize specialized research and innovation. Such as textbooks wrote “The Book of Songs”, can not but introduce "poetry