【摘 要】本文结合工程实际阐述了预应力混凝土桥梁非结构性裂缝,病害发生的原因和处治措施。
【关键词】预应力箱梁 ;非结构性;裂缝;处治
Highway Bridge Prestressed Concrete Box Girder non-structural cracks in the Treatment
Zhou Wan-yin
(Henan Province, People''s Victory Drainage Authority Xinxiang Henan 453000)
【Abstract】In this paper, practical engineering described the non-structural cracks in prestressed concrete bridges, the occurrence of disease causes and treatment measures.
【Key words】Prestressed box girder;Non-structural;Cracks;Treatment
1. 前言
【关键词】预应力箱梁 ;非结构性;裂缝;处治
Highway Bridge Prestressed Concrete Box Girder non-structural cracks in the Treatment
Zhou Wan-yin
(Henan Province, People''s Victory Drainage Authority Xinxiang Henan 453000)
【Abstract】In this paper, practical engineering described the non-structural cracks in prestressed concrete bridges, the occurrence of disease causes and treatment measures.
【Key words】Prestressed box girder;Non-structural;Cracks;Treatment
1. 前言