19世纪末,在日趋严重的内外危机的刺激下,许多先进的中国人走上了教育救国的道路.罗振玉(1866-1940)是中下层知识份子中的一员,以济世救国为己任,怀着满腔爱国热情投身到教育事业中.他提出的教育宗旨、普及教育观、建立近代学制的构想以及对近代教育改革提出的许多切实有益的建议,对近代教育的发展产生了一定的影响.“,”At the end of 19th century,under the stimulation of the more and more serious crisis both at home and abroad.A great number of advanced Chinese devoted themselves to saving our nation with education.LUO Zhen-yu(1866-1940),who is one of the middle-level intellectuals,was deter mined to do good to our society and country,and dedicated himself to the cause of education with great enthusiasm.His education purpose,popularized education viewpoint,the concept of establishing modern education system and put forward many practical proposals and suggestions,which have had influence on education of modern times.