专业性社团已经成为中国公民社会的重要组成部分。根据北京大学公民社会团体研究中心的调查 ,作者发现 :由于国家的卷入 ,专业性社团的自主性尚未得到充分发展。在具有法团主义特征的社团监管体系下 ,专业性社团享有垄断地位。绝大多数专业性社团是以自上而下的方式形成的 ,也就是所谓“由组织出面组建” ;虽然国家不再为专业性社团提供财务支持 ,但业务主管单位通过领导人选择有效地控制着专业性社团的活动。为了能够继续维持其垄断性地位 ,专业性社团大多也不积极寻求社团自主性的强化。由于国家主义的遗产 ,国家与专业性团体的这种法团主义式关系 ,并不像许多人认为的那样 ,是一种过渡性形态。值得注意的问题是 ,在这样一种大的制度框架中 ,国家与社会相互增权的新理念和新模式是否能够得到发展 ,并且进一步推动中国的社团空间向社会法团主义转化 ?
Professional associations have become an important part of Chinese civil society. According to a survey conducted by the Research Center for Civil Society Organizations at Peking University, the authors found that due to the involvement of the state, the autonomy of professional associations has not yet been fully developed. Under the corporate supervision system with the characteristics of corporatism, professional associations enjoy monopoly status. The vast majority of professional associations are formed from top to bottom, that is, the so-called “organized by the organization”; although the state no longer provide financial support for professional associations, but the business unit through the leaders choose to effectively control Professional community activities. In order to continue to maintain their monopoly position, most professional associations do not actively seek to strengthen the autonomy of associations. Due to the legacy of nationalism, such corporative relations between state and professional groups are not a transitional form, as many believe. The issue worth noting is: In such a large institutional framework, can new concepts and new models of mutual empowerment between the state and society be developed, and further promote the transformation of the community space in China into social corporatism?