A new measuring technique of soil thermal inertia

来源 :Science in China(Series E:Technological Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sfish001
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Thermal inertia is the function of substance density, heat capacity and heat diffusivity, and is an important parameter for researching the process of surface heat balance using remote sensing technique. In this paper, using soil heat plates, infrared thermometer, data logger and other instruments, by man-controlled changing the solar radiation status on the soil samples, the authors gave a new method to measure soil thermal inertia. Using the continuously surveying data of soil heat flux and infrared radiation temperature, thermal inertia can be calculated easily. Based on the thermal inertia calculation of three soil samples with different water content, good results were abtained by the authors, so this method is feasible. Meanwhile, this measuring technique is also a new attempt. In this paper, using soil heat plates, infrared thermometer, data logger and other instruments , by man-controlled changing the solar radiation status on the soil samples, the authors gave a new method to measure soil thermal inertia. Using the continuously surveying data of soil heat flux and infrared radiation temperature, thermal inertia can be easily calculated. Based on the thermal inertia calculation of three soil samples with different water content, good results were abtained by the authors, so this method is feasible. Meanwhile, this measuring technique is also a new attempt.
科学研究表明,人与人之间的先天遗传因素(包括智力、体力、学习的速度等)和后天习得(包括知识的储存量、经验的丰富程度、学习品质等)的差异是客观存在的。因此,教师在教学活动中不能实行一刀切,要实现差异教学,就必须做到:  一、真正了解学生的实际,对学生进行正确的隐型分类  所谓对学生的隐型分类,就是教师头脑中对学生学习状况的一种分类。一般情况下,把班级的学生分成A、B、C三类:  A类——潜能型的; 
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