8月20日上午,我省表彰八六届讲师团先进暨欢送八七届讲师团成员大会在省委礼堂隆重举行。参加会议的有省委、省政府领导刘方仁、卢秀珍、王太华、陈癸尊,省教委领导黄定元、张希仁及讲师团成员近200人。 副省长,省教委主任陈癸尊在会上作了《深入基层,广泛接触群众,在理论与实际相结合的道路上奋
On the morning of August 20, our province commended the Eighth and Sixth Lecturers ’Group Advanced cum Farewell Seventy-seventh Lecturers’ Group General Meeting was held ceremoniously at the provincial committee hall. Attending the meeting were Liu Fangren, Lu Xiuzhen, Wang Taihua, Chen Guizun, leaders of the Provincial Education Commission, Huang Dingyuan, Zhang Xiren and nearly 200 lecturers from the provincial government. Chen Guizun, vice governor and director of the provincial education commission, made a speech at the conference: "Go deep into grassroots units, extensively contact with the masses, and work hard on the road of combining theory with practice