A Comparative Study on the Theories of Unreliable Narrator by Booth and Phelan

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  【Abstract】Unreliable narrator is a significant and widely-accepted term in narratology which is about the analysis of narratives and more specifically of forms of narration and varieties of narrator. This thesis will comb the theories of unreliable narrator by Booth and Phelan.
  【Key Words】unreliable narrator; narratology; Booth
  The professional term of unreliable narrator was firstly proposed and defined by Wayne C. Booth in his well-known book The Rhetoric of Fiction published in 1961 and then gradually became a key concept in narratological investigations. Basically, the researches of unreliable narrator can be divided into two groups: rhetorical approach and cognitive approach. This paper will focus on the theories of Wayne C. Booth and James Phelan, who treat unreliability as a textual property encoded by the implied author for the implied reader to decode and propose rhetorical approach.
  Ⅰ.Booth’s Theory of Unreliable Narrator
  As for the establishment and development of the theory of unreliable narrator, Wayne C. Booth definitely is the first one being well worth reading. Wayne C. Booth, an important literary critic of “Chicago School”, is a pioneer of the theory of unreliable narrator. He firstly coined the theoretical term of “unreliable narrator” in his well-known book The Rhetoric of Fiction published in 1961. In the book, he not only defined the reliability and unreliability of a narrator but also gave a systematic analysis of it.
  Booth argued that the first standard can be used to measure the reliability of narration is norms which refer to any criteria of the author’s ethics, creed, emotion, value and taste, or aesthetics set in the text implicitly. The second is implied author which is different from real author and is real author’s second self; it has nothing to do with the author’s life experience but to some extent carries the moral sense, value perception and ideal judgment of the real author; it does not exist in the real world but only in the fictitious world of the novel; it has the authoritative power over the characters and narrator in a novel; it controls the direction of the story unfolded in a novel. The real author sets the implied author according to the needs of particular works. For different works, the author will set a different implied author so as to serve for his writing purpose. Furthermore, Booth also finds that the narrator is different from the implied author, the characters in the story and the readers’ norm, and it is the distance which separates him or her from the implied author, characters and the readers’ norm that just determines his or her unreliability. And he says this unreliability always occurs in the narration of the first-person narrator. That is to say, all his analysis of the unreliability of narrator is actually the analysis of the unreliability of “I” as a narrator in a fiction.   To sum up, in Booth’s viewpoint, if the narrator holds the same norms with the implied author when recounting the story, he or she is reliable; if the narrator betrays the norms of the implied author somewhat, then he is unreliable.
  Ⅱ.Phelan’s Theory of Unreliable Narrator
  James Phelan, as the student and friend of Wayne C. Booth, is one of the most brilliant narratologists in America. Phelan was born in New York in 1951 and received his Ph. D. from University of Chicago under Sheldon Sacks who is one of the representative theorists of “Chicago School”. Phelan, on one hand, successively follows Booth’s direction of rhetorical approach, on the other hand, refines and develops Booth’s theory of unreliable narrator.
  First of all, Phelan retains the concept of the implied author introduced by Booth. In his Living to Tell About It: A Rhetoric and Ethics of Character Narration, he says the implied author is constructed by the real author as a partial representation of himself or herself and it is not a product of the text but rather the agent responsible for bringing the text into existence, thus it is the source of unreliable narration. Phelan’s definition allows for an effective way of talking about works in which a real author takes on values, beliefs, attitudes or even features of identity that he or she doesn’t actually espouse or possess. Furthermore, his conception of the implied author also leaves room for authorial intention as an important component of interpretation and definitely points out the source of unreliable narration, but it does not make authorial intention either the sole or the dominant determiner of a text’s meaning.
  Secondly, Phelan broadens Booth’s distinction of unreliability. In Narrative as Rhetoric: Technique, Audiences, Ethics, Ideology, Phelan points out that Booth’s distinction leads the readers to two important habits, the first of which is that “the distinction is seen as most often relevant to homodiegetic narration”.(110) and the second of which is that the distinction “assumes an equivalence, or perhaps better, a continuity between narrator and character, and so critics took at the character function to shed light on the narrator function and vice versa”. (111) Phelan reckons the two habits absolute in that once readers have evidence of some unreliability, it is possible to argue for unreliability. Furthermore, Phelan distinguishes the function of “I” as both a character and narrator in a narrative. He proposes that the assumption of continuity between character and narrator may not always be warranted and makes the argument that the narration will be reliable and authoritative when the narratorial functions are operating independently of the character functions, and may be either reliable or unreliable when the character and narratorial functions are operating interdependently.   Another contribution made by Phelan is that he attaches importance on dynamic narrative progression. In Narrative as Rhetoric: Technique, Audiences, Ethics, Ideology, Phelan illustrates narrative progression and believes that the unreliability of narrator in a narrative is not unchangeable from the beginning to the end; the degree of his unreliability differs with the dynamic narrative unreliability because of the “unstable relationships between or within characters and their circumstance” (30).
  In a word, Booth founded the theory of unreliable narrator and Phelan successively inherits, refines and develops Booth’s theory. They both offer us a rhetoric approach in literature analysis. Generally, Booth thinks unreliability of narrator is related to the “literal truth” or the evaluation of values. Phelan develops the theory and believes that the unreliability of narrator is changeable from the beginning to the end and the degree of the unreliability differs with the fluctuation of the relationships among characters.
  [1]Booth, Wayne C., The Rhetoric of Fiction (2nd Edition). Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1983.
  [2]Phelan, James
【摘要】教师在教学的时候,教学方法的选择非常重要。若是教师选择的教学方法不够恰当,那么教学任务很难顺利地完成,预期教学目标也无法达到,甚至会给正常教学造成较大影响。因此,初中英语高效课堂的实现,需要以富有成效的教学方法作为辅助。本文从初中英语教学入手,选取了兴趣驱动法、合作探究法以及信心激励法来探讨初中英语有效教学具体如何实施,希望对广大一线教师提供一定的借鉴。  【关键词】英语课堂;有效课堂;教
【摘要】新课改实施的如火如荼,对初中英语来说又迎来了新的挑战,这在城中村学校教学方面体现得尤为明显。城中村学生基础能力较差,教育难度较高,这导致英语教学遇到了瓶颈。对此教师必须要重视起来,认真分析当前存在的问题,全面了解学生的英语水平,采取有效策略从多方面促进教学瓶颈的突破。本文对此做了深入研究。  【关键词】城中村;初中英语;问题;策略  【作者简介】林笑,深圳市福田区上沙中学。  前言  城中
缘分的情愫,一次志愿的不经意填写,让我与你不离不弃;岁月的轮回,几十年风雨兼程,让我与你相伴相随。自从与你结缘,便不知不觉地喜欢上你,并且爱上了你——儿童,你已成为我生命中不能割舍的一部分。每日看着你,每天欣赏你,每时读着你,心里总有一种说不出的感怀和怡然。      花籽  “我往花盆里埋下两粒花籽,/过了几天,/跑出两颗小草。/我说:/站住!你回去捎个信儿,让花朵来向我报到!/”  读你,读你
背景介绍  举手发言,对小学生来说,是一件再平常不过的小事。谁会想到,哪个学生会为了发言这件小事而苦恼不堪呢!  小洁,女,11岁,小学五年级学生。第一次来到咨询室时,表情非常忧郁。说话时,头低着,不敢看人,两手不停地卷动着手中的报纸。看得出,她有些焦虑。在我的鼓励下,她开始了叙述:  上五年级时,她从外地转入目前就读的小学。转校时,父母、亲友曾告诉她,说这是一所重点小学,教育质量很好,老师要求很
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这是笔者亲眼所见的一个场景:  几个孩子正玩得不亦乐乎,一个小家伙突然摔倒在地,随即大哭起来。一个小姑娘看见后,先是一愣,接着跑了过去,假装也跌倒了——就跌在那小家伙身旁。她跌倒了,却笑得咯咯响!那小家伙一看小姑娘这样,也笑了,抹抹眼泪,又欢快地玩起来。  看到这一幕,我禁不住想:小姑娘大概并没有也不可能从深层次思考她行动的方式和意义,但她确实是以一个共同遭遇者的身份去与那个小家伙同感同受的,且充