A 74-year-old female patient was given streptomycin, isoniazid, rifampicin, and pyrazinamide for tuberculous pleurisy. Liver and kidney damage after 1 week of treatment. Disable anti-TB drugs, liver and kidney function returned to normal. Anti-TB treatment again, fever and skin itching. After withdrawal and anti-allergy symptoms improved. Oral isoniazid 0.2g again, pyrazinamide 1.0g, ethambutol 0.75g. After 30min chills, fever, nausea, vomiting, disturbance of consciousness, lip cyanosis. T40.5 ℃, P120 times / min. Subsequently there oliguria, neck stiffness; left upper and lower extremity strength 2, the right upper and lower limb muscle strength 0. Laboratory tests: ALT41U / L, AST99U / L, BUN13.57mmol / L, SCr481μmol / L; myoglobin 2470μg / L, troponin 0.52μg / L, LDH442U / L, α-hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase 315U / L, CK2789U / L, CK-MB50U / L, serum amylase 384U / L. Line symptomatic supportive treatment, 2d after symptoms improved. Once again given pyrazinamide, ethambutol, levofloxacin anti-TB treatment, 2 months of treatment did not appear adverse reactions.