离中考还有15天,小强已经无法自持——每天上课,他心里急得不行,老师讲的题,凡是会做的,小强就会在心里不停地埋怨:还讲什么呀,都会做了,讲点别的好不好!拜托了! 每节课后,同学们出去玩,小强从来不出教室,忙着准备下节课的功课,同学拉着他出外散散心,小强会说:“都什么时候了,你还紧张不起来!”
There are 15 days away from the entrance exam, Xiaoqiang has been unable to self-sustain - every day in class, his heart anxious not, what the teacher said, what will be done, Xiaoqiang will keep complaining in my heart: What also say, will do Speaking of something else, please! Please come! After each class, the students went out to play. Xiaoqiang never left the classroom and was busy preparing lessons for the next class. The classmates dragged him out and dispersed. Xiaoqiang would say: When is it, you are still not nervous!"