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“我”在古代是一种兵器,不是现在第一人称代词“我”的意思。现在的“我”与“伐”、“战”、“戟”、“戣”这些打打杀杀的字长得很像,说明“我”在古代与它们是近亲,与现在“我”的意思相差十万八千里。《说文解字》上说:“我,古杀字。”“我”这种武器盛行于商至战国时期,秦以后逐渐消失。根据现藏于故宫博物院西周时期 “I ” in ancient times is a weapon, not the first person pronoun “I ” means. Now “I ” and “cut ”, “war ”, “halberd ”, “戣 ” these kill kill the word looks very much, indicating Ancient and they are close relatives, and now “I ” a difference between the meaning of thousands of miles. “Explain Word” said: “I, the ancient kill words. ” “I ” Such weapons prevalent in Shang and Warring States Period, Qin gradually disappear. According to the National Palace Museum in the Western Zhou Dynasty