2003年,美国7所著名的图书馆学情报学院的院长齐聚北卡罗来那州立大学,共同提出了“信息学院运动”。此后,20所一流院校共同创建了iSchool项目。2005年7月通过联盟宪章,正式建立iSchools联盟。目前已经发展为国际组织(iSchools Organization)。2009年,武汉大学信息管理学院加入了iSchool联盟,成为该联盟的第一个发展中国家成员。截至2017年2月,该联盟已经拥有来自北美、欧洲、大洋洲、亚洲等地区的83名成员。中国大陆和港澳台地区共
In 2003, the dean of seven famous libraries and information colleges in the United States gathered at North Carolina State University and jointly proposed “Movement of Information Institute.” Since then, 20 top universities have co-founded the iSchool project. In July 2005 through the Union Charter, the formal establishment of the iSchools Alliance. Has now developed into an international organization (iSchools Organization). In 2009, Wuhan University’s School of Information Management joined the iSchool consortium, becoming the first developing country member of the consortium. As of February 2017, the coalition already has 83 members from North America, Europe, Oceania and Asia. Mainland China and Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan regions total