
来源 :广西中医药 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tiamflying
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笔者最近用自拟退热银翘散治疗外感急性高热证22例,疗效尚好,现小结如下。一、一般资料22例中,体温39~39.9℃18例,40~40.9℃4例。男8例,女14例。2~7岁9例,8~17岁3例,18~59岁8例,60岁以上2例。二、方药组成及用法银花、辖翘各15克,板蓝根、石膏各60克,牛蒡子、芦根各10克,淡竹叶、荆芥、薄荷、蝉蜕、甘草各5克,老人及小儿量酌减。水煎服,日2剂,热甚者可日服3~4剂 Recently, the author used self-made antipyretic Yinqiao powder to treat 22 cases of exogenous acute hyperthermia, the efficacy is still good, the summary is as follows. First, the general information of 22 cases, body temperature 39 ~ 39.9 °C 18 cases, 40 ~ 40.9 °C 4 cases. There were 8 males and 14 females. 2 to 7 years old 9 cases, 8 to 17 years old 3 cases, 18 to 59 years old 8 cases, 60 years old and above 2 cases. Second, prescription composition and usage Silver flower, 15 g administrated Alice, Radix, gypsum each 60 grams, Arctium, reed 10 grams each, light bamboo, Nepeta, mint, alfalfa, licorice each 5 grams, the amount of the elderly and children Reduce it. Water decoction, 2 daily doses, 3 to 4 doses daily