【备考指导】 2004年北京高考语文《考试说明》把古文 断句标点列入考点,作为一项能力和固定题型 来考察,分值占到5分左右。2005年高考辽宁 卷也考查了断句。随着高考命题的自主化, 2006年的高考,古文断句标点可能会再度成为 考查的要点之一。因此,我们一定要引起足够 重视,做到有备无患。解答“文言断句标点” 题,可参考如下方法。
[Preparation Guidance] In 2004, the “Exam Description” of the Beijing National College Entrance Examination included the punctuation of ancient Chinese sentences as a test point for the ability and the fixed question type, and the score was about 5 points. In the 2005 college entrance examination Liaoning, the volume also examined the segmentation. With the autonomy of the college entrance examination proposition, the 2006 college entrance examination and the punctuation of ancient Chinese punctuation may once again become one of the main points of the examination. Therefore, we must pay full attention to it and be prepared for it. To answer the question “The punctuation of essays, sentences”, refer to the following method.