近年来,随着化肥生产的迅速发展,稻田施氮量逐年增加。有些地区由于不适当的增施氮肥,常导致纹枯病严重发生,损失很大。本试验为了解不同施氮量以及无机氮肥和有机肥一定的配比,对杂交水稻纹枯病的影响。 试验田的土壤肥力中等偏上。经测定,有机质含量1.96%,含全氮0.121%,速效磷32.67PPM,速效钾12.0PPM。供试水稻汕优2号,秧龄30天,密度4×7寸,拉线定点栽插。小区面积200平方尺
In recent years, with the rapid development of fertilizer production, the amount of nitrogen fertilizer in paddy fields has been increasing year by year. In some areas, due to improper application of nitrogen fertilizer, sheath blight disease often causes serious losses. In order to understand the effects of nitrogen application rates and certain ratios of inorganic nitrogen fertilizer and organic fertilizer on the sheath blight of hybrid rice. Soil fertility in the experimental field is moderately high. After determination, the organic matter content of 1.96%, containing 0.121% of total nitrogen, available phosphorus 32.67PPM, available potassium 12.0PPM. Rice for testing Shanyou 2, seedling age 30 days, the density of 4 × 7 inch, fixed-line planted plug. Residential area of 200 square feet