OBJECTIVE To study the effect of montmorillonite powder in combination with norfloxacin, ofloxacin, cornelian, ranitidine, famotidine, acyclovir, Adsorption of ribavirin in vitro. Methods Montmorillonite powders were added to the above drug solutions dissolved in different pH artificial gastric juice and artificial intestinal juice respectively. The drug content was determined by HPLC and the adsorption rate was calculated. Results The adsorption rate of montmorillonite to palmatine and berberine reached more than 95%. The adsorption rate to norfloxacin and ofloxacin was about 80%. For acyclovir, The adsorption rate of forest is relatively small, below 10%; the adsorption rate of famotidine and ranitidine decreases with the increase of pH value. Conclusions Montmorillonite powder has different adsorption effects on the above drugs. Pay attention to the medication interval when using the drug with large absorption rate.