感染猝倒病的苗木,常表现出幼苗倒伏,根茎或种芽腐烂等症状。在生产中一般根据这些症状判断其发生并进行防治,但具有这些症状的苗木均已不能正常生长。现介绍一种早期确定落叶松苗木猝倒病的方法,供参考。 正常生长的苗木,在木质化以前地下部分是白色的,如果苗木染上了猝倒病,染病前期根茎下0-1.5cm处出现暗灰色圆圈,据此可早
Damp down disease infected seedlings, often showing lodging seedlings, rhizomes or bud rot and other symptoms. In the production of these symptoms according to the general to determine its occurrence and prevention and treatment, but with these symptoms of seedlings have been unable to grow normally. Now introduce an early determination of larch seedling damping-off disease method for reference. The normal growth of seedlings, in the lignification before the underground part is white, if the seedlings infected with damping-off disease, disease early rhizome dark circles appear 0-1.5cm, which can be early