我在原医院收治1例急性淋巴细胞性白血病(急淋),已存活14年6个月,停止化疗12年,目前仍处于完全缓解。 患者,女,13岁,学生。1977年9月21日因头晕、乏力月余入院。病程中无发热、鼻衄及骨痛。体查:T 37℃,P 92次/min,BP12.0/8.0kPa,贫血貌,全身浅表淋巴结黄豆至蚕豆大,质中无压痛,胸骨压痛,心肺正常,心尖部Ⅰ级收缩期杂音。肝肋下0.5 cm,质软无压痛,脾肋下1.5 cm,质中,四肢及神经系统无异常。实验室检查:Hb 30g/L、RPC 1.2
I was admitted to the original hospital for 1 case of acute lymphocytic leukemia (chronic leukemia) and had survived for 14 years and 6 months. I have stopped chemotherapy for 12 years and is still in complete remission. Patient, female, 13 years old, student. September 21, 1977 due to dizziness, fatigue more than admitted to the hospital months. No fever, epistaxis and bone pain during the course of the disease. Physical examination: T 37°C, P 92 beats/min, BP 12.0/8.0kPa, anemia appearance, superficial lymph nodes soybean to broad bean, no tenderness in quality, sternal tenderness, normal heart and lung, apex systolic murmur . Liver ribs 0.5 cm, soft without tenderness, spleen and ribs 1.5 cm, no abnormalities in quality, limbs and nervous system. Laboratory inspection: Hb 30g/L, RPC 1.2