各位代表、来宾、同志们: 经过一天紧张而有序的会议西北统计学会联席会、青海省2001年统计科学研讨会暨青海省统计学会六届二次理事会的各项议程已经圆满结束,这是西北统计界的一次盛会,也是我省统计界的一次盛会。在此,我代表青海省统计局、青海省统计学会向出席这次会议的各位代表、向参加会议的中国统计学会的领导和同志们、向青海省社科联、省民政厅、省民间组织管理局的领导和同志们、向全省统计科
Dear Delegates, Guests, Comrades: After a Tense and Orpical Meeting The agenda of the Northwest Statistical Society, the 2001 Qinghai Statistical Seminar and the Second Session of the Sixth Session of the Statistical Commission of Qinghai Province have all been successfully concluded. Is a grand gathering of the northwest statistical community, but also a grand gathering of the provincial statistical community. Here, on behalf of the Statistical Bureau of Qinghai Province and the Statistical Society of Qinghai Province, on behalf of all the representatives attending this conference, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the leaders and comrades of the Chinese Statistical Society who attended the meeting for their contributions to the Social Science and Technology Union of Qinghai Province, the Provincial Civil Affairs Department, Authority leaders and comrades, to the province’s Statistics Section