Polar Bear北极熊 & Rabbit兔子

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  学  名:Polar bear
  种  属:Bear Family
  身  高:1.9-2.8 meters
  体  重:150-800 kilos
  居住地:the Arctic (北极)
  食   譜:fish , seals (海豹) , walruses
  (海象), whales(白鲸) ...
  特  长:swim , dive (潜水)
  Polar bear is the largest carnivore on land.

  This is a rabbit. It is white.
  Rabbit has two red eyes, a small mouth and four legs.
  Rabbit has long ears and short tail.
  Rabbit can live for eight to fifteen years.
  Rabbit can jump. It jumps high.
  Rabbit is good at running. It runs fast.
  Rabbit likes to eat carrots and vegetables.
  Rabbit is small and cute. It is our friend.

根據描述,在空白处涂上相关的颜色。  Bird is blue. Frog is green.  House is brown. Dog is black.  Trees are green. Grapes are purple.  Flowers are red. Rabbit is pink.  The boy’s coat is orange.
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学 名:Binturong  种 属:Viverridae(灵猫科)  身 高:60-95 centimeters  体 重:9-14 kilos  居住地:tropical rainforest(热带雨林)  食 谱:fruit, birds, bird eggs, leaves ...  特 長:climb trees
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