光镜观察来源于新疆甜菜根部油壶菌( Olpidium sp .) 的游动孢子囊、游动孢子及休眠孢子的形态、大小及特点,结合实验所得油壶菌生理及寄生特性,将来源于新疆寄生甜菜根部油壶菌鉴定为甘蓝油壶菌[ Olpidium brassicae (Wor.) Dang.]
The morphology, size and characteristics of zoospores, zoospores and resting spores originated from Olpidium sp. In Xinjiang were observed by light microscopy. Based on the physiological and parasitic characteristics of oleanic bacteria obtained from experiments, The parasitic beetroot oleaster is identified as Oryza sativa [Olpidium brassicae (Wor.) Dang.]