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如此大的影响出乎意料10月20日上午8时许,无锡拘留所门前远比平日嘈杂,几位记者早早准备好摄影机、照相机,镜头皆对准拘留所的大门。众人都在等待“掌掴阎崇年事件”主角黄海清的出现,当天是其15天拘留期满的日子。先前记者得到的消息是,黄 Unexpectedly, such a big impact was on the morning of October 20 at about 8 am. In front of the detention center in Wuxi, it was far more noisy than usual. Several reporters prepared the cameras, cameras and cameras at the door of the detention center at an early date. Everyone is waiting for the appearance of Huang Haiqing, the protagonist of the “Zhang Yan Yan Chongnian incident”, the day when his 15-day detention expired. The news before the reporter is, yellow
血源乙肝疫苗注射所致的不良反应,极为少见,1989年3月至9月,我们对全区8岁以下儿童及部分成年人进行预防按种。其中有5例出现不良反应。现报告如下。 Adverse reactions ca