在杰出的人民艺术家崔嵬同志离开我们整十年之际,我们对他的艺术创作进行研讨时,常会由衷地发出感叹:崔嵬真了不起! 崔嵬的艺术成就是多方面的。这里,仅对他电影表演美学观及其银幕形象系列的美学价值略做探讨。
When the distinguished people’s artist Comrade Cui Yong left us for a whole decade, we often gave an unequivocal sigh when we discussed his artistic creation: Cui Wei is amazing! Cui Hao’s artistic achievement is manifold. Here, only aesthetics of his film aesthetics and its screen image of the aesthetic value of a little discussion.