祁南煤矿地质条件复杂,为煤与瓦斯突出矿井,72煤层为突出煤层。716工作面位于72煤层突出危险区,煤层原始瓦斯含量为9.4~11.7 m3/t,采取顺层钻孔预抽为主、底板穿层钻孔预抽为辅的区域防突措施后;采用直接测定最大残余瓦斯含量、用抽采量反算残余瓦斯含量、钻屑瓦斯解吸指标△h2检验消突效果,各项指标均小于临界值,综合分析认为716工作面抽采后已消除突出危险。
The geological conditions of the Qinan coal mine are complicated, with coal and gas outburst mines, and the 72th coal seam as the prominent coal seam. The working face of No. 716 is located in the prominent danger zone of No. 72 coal seam. The original gas content of coal seam is 9.4 ~ 11.7 m3 / t, taking the pre-pumping of bedding layer as the main, The maximum residual gas content was measured. The residual gas content was calculated with the extraction volume, and the gas desorption index △ h2 of the drill-chip gas was used to test the elimination effect. All the indexes were less than the critical value. The comprehensive analysis shows that the prominent danger has been eliminated after pumping the No.716 face.