Yuanhu Analgesic Tablets is a traditional product of our factory. For a long time, one of its constituents, the jellyfish shelling, was manually operated (that is, the shell was manually opened with a small knife and peeled off), per person per day (by 8 hours). Only about 6kg can be stripped. At the same time, the outer shell of the jellyfish sticks firmly and is not easy to separate. The shelling rate is only up to 70%, while the inner shell of a large number of medicinal materials is lost, resulting in a loss rate of up to 30%. It not only wastes a large amount of medicinal materials, but also has low work efficiency and labor intensity, and it also results in unstable quality of processed products, which directly affects the output and quality of the product. For this purpose, we used the Centrifugal 500-type pulverizer manufactured by Shandong Linqing Pharmaceutical Machinery Plant to crush the jellyfish directly and received good results. The method is as follows.