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元胡止痛片系我厂传统产品,长期以来因其组方之一海螵蛸去壳是手工操作(即人工用小刀逐一劈开外壳,将其剥除),每人每天(按8h计)只能剥除6kg左右。同时海螵蛸内外壳贴粘牢固,不易分离,去壳率最高只能达到70%,而大量药材内壳却随之流失,致使损耗率高达30%。不但浪费大量药材,工作效率低,劳动强度大,而且造成炮制品质量不稳定,直接影响了该产品的产量和质量。为此,我们采用山东临清药物机械厂造制的离心式500型药粉碎机,对海螵蛸直接进行破碎,收到良好效果,方法如下。 Yuanhu Analgesic Tablets is a traditional product of our factory. For a long time, one of its constituents, the jellyfish shelling, was manually operated (that is, the shell was manually opened with a small knife and peeled off), per person per day (by 8 hours). Only about 6kg can be stripped. At the same time, the outer shell of the jellyfish sticks firmly and is not easy to separate. The shelling rate is only up to 70%, while the inner shell of a large number of medicinal materials is lost, resulting in a loss rate of up to 30%. It not only wastes a large amount of medicinal materials, but also has low work efficiency and labor intensity, and it also results in unstable quality of processed products, which directly affects the output and quality of the product. For this purpose, we used the Centrifugal 500-type pulverizer manufactured by Shandong Linqing Pharmaceutical Machinery Plant to crush the jellyfish directly and received good results. The method is as follows.
2012年11月,在一些省份接连发生几起学生跑步猝死事件,联系此前时有所闻的学生在升旗或军训过程中晕倒,一时间,以“体质不强,何谈栋梁”为主题的讨论引发了社会广泛的关注。  寒冬时节,各地中小学的体育课通常以中长跑为主要内容,尽管很多学生觉得跑步很乏味。根据教育部2007年发布的《学生体质健康标准》要求,小学低年级每周要有四节体育课,高年级每周三节,中学每周两节;此外,学校还要组织课间操、跑操等,