Practices and Advances in Exploring the Subsurface Structure and Its Temporal Evolution with Repeata

来源 :Earthquake Research in China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:soul678
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The earth’s structure may change with time under natural or anthropogenic loading.Monitoring the subtle changes of the subsurface structure with repeatable seismic sources such as repeating earthquakes,ambient seismic noise and artificial sources has become one of the hot topics in seismological research. These studies provide important clues in understanding the physical process of hazardous events such as earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. In this review we introduce the practices and advances in exploring and monitoring the subsurface structure with artificial seismic sources. This review is orgainzed as follows. Firstly,we describe the studies on the characteristics of different types of seismic source( especially the airgun source). Then the advances on data processing and mechanical understanding are depicted. At the end of this review,we reveal the prospects of future study of exploration and monitoring of the subsurface structure and its temporal variations using artificial sources. The earth’s structure may change with time under natural or anthropogenic loading. Monitoring the subtle changes of the subsurface structure with repeatable seismic sources such as repeating earthquakes, ambient seismic noise and artificial sources has become one of the hot topics in seismological research. These studies provide important clues in understanding the physical process of hazardous events such as earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. This review is introduced in practices and advances in exploring and monitoring the subsurface structure with artificial seismic sources. studies on the characteristics of different types of seismic source (especially the airgun source). Then the advances on data processing and mechanical understanding are depicted. At the end of this review, we reveal the prospects of future study of exploration and monitoring of the subsurface structure and its temporal variations using artificial so urces.
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色彩是室内空间环境中最敏感的因素,是整个室内空间传达给人们的第一感觉。色彩使室内空间设计变得有趣而又变化无穷。在室内设计中充分发挥色彩的功能特点,理性地运用色彩,创造出和谐舒适的室内空间。   随着人类物质文明和精神文明的发展,人们对室内设计的要求也越来越高。色彩作为一种最直接、最敏锐的视觉表现手法,一直都在室内设计中担当最重要的角色。色彩能够改变居室的视觉和格调,给室内空间带来精神和活力,创造出