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各省、自治区、直辖市、计划单列市、新疆生产建设兵团经贸委(经委、计经委),国务院有关部委、各委管国家局,各计划单列企业集团: 为加快财政债券资金支持的国家重点技术改造项目的审批,按照现行的技术改造项目管理办法,特制定《国家重点技术改造项目审批程序和规定》,对审批国家重点技术改造项目的有关规定予以重申。请各有关单位按照本《规定》抓紧国家重点技术改造项目的前期工作和审批,加速项目实施。 All provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government, cities specifically designated in the state plan, the Economic and Trade Commission of Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps (the Economic Commission and the Economic Planning Commission), the relevant ministries and commissions of the State Council, the commissions of the State Council and the separate planning groups of enterprises: State-level key technological transformations for speeding up the financial bond financing Project approval, in accordance with the current management of technological transformation projects, special formulation of “national key technological transformation project approval procedures and regulations” on the approval of the state’s key technological transformation projects to be reiterated the relevant provisions. Please relevant departments in accordance with these “Regulations” pay close attention to the national key projects of technological transformation and approval of the preliminary work to speed up the implementation of the project.
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本文论述了关于自然电流产生的原因及其对铀矿局部富集所起的作用。阐述了铀矿化与岩石导电性关系的规律性,并在这基础上提出了应扩大电法勘探的应用范围。 This article di
日前,越南政府对外公布了《2001~2005年社会经济发展计划》,其中对燃油、钢材、水泥、化肥等几种主要生产资料的市场供需状况进行了预报。  今后五年,越南国内各类燃料油消耗将