目的总结新生儿呼吸衰竭的临床以及预后情况。方法呼吸衰竭新生儿80例,根据上述患儿的临床表现,首先采取积极有效的针对措施治疗其原发病,并及时结合多种综合手段进行治疗。结果 80例患儿中,由于羊水吸入引起肺炎者有33例、占41.25%,伴有新生儿呼吸窘迫综合征有21例、占26.25%,伴有败血症的有3例、占3.75%,伴有气胸的患儿有5例、占6.25%,引发胎粪吸入综合征的患儿有13例、占16.25%,动脉导管未闭的患儿有5例、占6.25%;80例患儿中,最后死亡的患儿有21例、死亡率为26.25%,其中有7例患儿是因中途窒息时间过长而并发其他严重疾病而死亡,死亡率为8.75%。其余59例(占73.75%)患儿经过治疗均治愈或好转,其中,平均住院时间为10.1 d,平均吸氧时间6 d,平均使用经鼻持续给氧时间为50 h。结论新生儿呼吸衰竭患病率高、病死率高,应积极改善通气纠正代谢性酸中毒,这是治疗呼吸衰竭的重要手段。医护人员应对新生儿呼吸衰竭病因病情有准确的判断和认识,掌握治疗时机,降低患儿死亡率。
Objective To summarize the clinical and prognosis of neonatal respiratory failure. Methods Eighty newborn infants with respiratory failure, according to the clinical manifestations of the above-mentioned children, first of all, take active and effective measures to treat their primary disease, and timely treatment with a variety of integrated means. Results Of the 80 children, 33 (41.25%) had pneumonia due to inhalation of amniotic fluid, 21 (26.25%) had neonatal respiratory distress syndrome and 3 (3.75%) had sepsis There are 5 cases of pneumothorax in children, accounting for 6.25%, 13 cases of meconium aspiration syndrome caused by children, accounting for 16.25%, 5 cases of patent ductus arteriosus, accounting for 6.25%; 80 cases of children The final death was in 21 children, with a mortality rate of 26.25%. Of these, 7 were fatal and died of 8.75% of other serious illnesses due to an excessive duration of midway asphyxia. The remaining 59 cases (73.75%) were cured or improved after treatment. The average length of hospital stay was 10.1 days and the average oxygen inhalation time was 6 days. The average time for nasal continuous oxygen administration was 50 hours. Conclusion Neonatal respiratory failure has a high prevalence and high mortality rate. Ventilation should be actively improved to correct metabolic acidosis, which is an important treatment for respiratory failure. Health care workers should respond to the etiology of neonatal respiratory failure have an accurate judgment and understanding of the timing of treatment to reduce the mortality rate in children.