树对修剪的反应,以营养生长的变化表现最为显著。修剪对生殖生长也有影响,在大多数情况下这应当看做是营养生长的二次影响。 1.新梢生长营养生长,特别是新梢生长,对修剪的反应最显著。新梢做为着生叶片的器官,其生长量大小,不仅和光合成有密切关系,而且还通过养分、水分的竞争和激素的生产等对开花、结实、果实的发育和品质都有很大影响。由于对树冠内的光照条件影响很大,因此,对耐阴性差,而且果实着色需要直射光的苹果来说,就成为特别重要的问题了。
Tree response to pruning, the most significant change in vegetative growth. Pruning also has an effect on reproductive growth, which in most cases should be considered secondary to vegetative growth. 1. shoot growth vegetative growth, especially shoot growth, the most significant response to the pruning. Shoots as organs of the leaves, the growth of its size, not only and photosynthesis are closely related, but also through the nutrients, water and hormone production and other competition on the flowering, fruiting, fruit development and quality have a great impact . Due to the great influence on the lighting conditions inside the canopy, it is of particular importance for apples with poor resistance to shade and fruit coloring that require direct light.