
来源 :实用肿瘤杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kingboxing
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患者男性,19岁,农民,住院号187094。因劳累后心悸气短胸闷1年,近2月伴口唇紫钳于1987年3月入院。患者1年前在劳动时感心悸胸闷,常有阵发性剧烈咳嗽。2个月前因盖房劳动中突然胸闷气短伴前胸疼痛,口唇发紫,不能平卧呈端坐呼吸,阵发性咳嗽。即去当地医院检查,拟诊为风湿性心脏病二尖瓣狭窄。经治疗后不见好转,随经超声心动图检查才证实为右心多发性肿瘤转入我院.休征:全身情况欠佳,口唇紫钳,不能平卧。心率100次/分,心律齐。胸骨左缘2一4肋闻Ⅱ~Ⅲ级收缩期杂音,P_2↑有分裂。心尖部闻及Ⅱ级收缩期杂音,三尖瓣区Ⅱ级舒张期杂音,杂音与体位均无关系。肝肋下1.5cm,剑突下3.0cm。两下肢有轻度凹陷性水肿。X线片示二肺血量明显减少,右房右室增大明显。心电图提示窦性心律,右心房肥大,右心室肥大,ST-T改变。超声心动图:二维超声心动图长轴示主动脉、左房左室回声正常。扩大的右室充满中度回声反射团块,短轴可见中度回声。肿瘤在收缩期与舒张期均通过三尖瓣口伸至扩大的右房及收缩期向上通过肺动脉瓣口伸至肺动脉主干内。心脏四腔观可见中度 Patient male, 19 years old, farmer, hospital number 187094. Due to tiredness, shortness of breath and chest tightness for 1 year, nearly 2 months with purple lips and pliers was admitted to hospital in March 1987. The patient feels chest tightness at work one year ago and often has frequent paroxysmal coughing. 2 months ago due to the sudden chest tightness and shortness of breath during the building labor with chest pain, purple lips, can not lie supine breathing, paroxysmal cough. That is to go to the local hospital for examination and be diagnosed with rheumatic heart disease mitral stenosis. After treatment was not improved, with echocardiography examination confirmed that the right heart multiple tumors were transferred to our hospital. Hugh levy: poor general condition, lip purple pliers, can not lie. Heart rate 100 beats per minute, heart rate equal. The left sternal border of the 2 to 4 ribs heard II ~ III systolic murmur, P 2 ↑ split. Apex systolic murmurs were heard in the apex, and diastolic murmurs in the tricuspid region were not related to murmurs and posture. The liver is 1.5 cm below the ribs and 3.0 cm below the xiphoid process. Both sides have mild depression edema. The X-ray showed that the amount of blood in the second lung was significantly reduced, and the right atrium increased significantly in the right ventricle. The electrocardiogram suggested sinus rhythm, right atrial hypertrophy, right ventricular hypertrophy, and ST-T changes. Echocardiography: The long axis of a two-dimensional echocardiogram shows normal aortic and left atrial left ventricle echo. The enlarged right ventricle is filled with moderately echogenic clumps and the short axis shows moderate echoes. Both the systolic and diastolic phases of the tumor extend from the tricuspid valve opening to the enlarged right atrium and systolic upward through the pulmonary valve opening into the main pulmonary artery. Four-chamber view of the heart can be seen moderate
这位获奖无数的华裔小姐,除了拥有一副美丽的面孔,身材也相当不俗。手长腿长的她,没有什么衣服能难倒她,穿什么都能凸显个人的魅力。但最吸引人的,还是她那双美腿,修长又结实!本期Fala会亲身示范及教授美腿方法,并示范多种运动,只要大家持之以恒,不消一个月,相信也可以拥有像Fala一样的修长美腿。    简易运动  Fala说只要每天进行以下动作,每组做10~15次,不消2个月就可以去除双腿的多余脂肪。
本组81例中男性59例,女性22例,以50~61岁发病率最高。临床病理分期按全国胃癌协作组统一的国际抗癌联盟协会制订的TNM分期法,其中Ⅲ期36例,Ⅳ期45例。 In this group of 81
鸡蛋是一种营养丰富的食品,一个鸡蛋重约50克,含蛋白质7克、脂肪6克、产生热能82千卡。鸡蛋蛋白质的氨基酸比例很适合人体生理需要、易为机体吸收,利用率高达98%以上,营养价值很高。鸡蛋中钙、磷、铁和维生素A含量很高,B族维生素也很丰富,还含有其他许多种人体必需的维生素和微量元素,是小儿、老人、产妇以及肝炎、结核、贫血患者、手术后恢复期病人的良好补品。  鸡蛋虽好,但在吃的数量上还应讲究科学。  据
当“三高”成了人们耳熟能详的词语,当精米、白面再也提不起大家的食欲时,都市人开始返璞归真,兴起一股吃粗粮的“忆苦”风潮。 When the “Three Highs” become familiar