我院在1980~2 0 0 2年间共手术治疗食管平滑肌瘤病人4 5例。现报告如下。1 临床资料本组4 5例中,男34例,女11例。年龄19~6 5岁。术前病人都有不同程度的进食哽咽及吞咽困难,少数病人有咽部异物感,胸背部及腹部疼痛不适、返酸、嗳气,个别病人有体重减轻症状。大部分病人均能
Our hospital in 1980 ~ 2002 total surgical treatment of esophageal leiomyoma patients 45 cases. The report is as follows. A clinical data of 45 cases in this group, 34 males and 11 females. Age 19 ~ 6 5 years old. Preoperative patients have varying degrees of eating choking and swallowing difficulties, a small number of patients with pharyngeal foreign body sensation, thoracodorsal and abdominal pain discomfort, back to acid, belching, individual patients have weight loss symptoms. Most patients can