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【作 者】
'; foreach($pd_record as $writer){ $str .= ''.$writer. ' '; } $str = trim($str,',').'
'; } echo $str; ?>
【机 构】
'; } ?>
【出 处】
'; } ?>
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《冈仁波齐》和我们的人生何其相似。生,在路上;死,也在路上。只要我们来到这个世界,你就不会停下脚步,你就会用自己的脚步来丈量人生的长度和灵魂的深度。上个月《冈仁波齐》刚上演的时候,我去看了这场电影。去看这场电影,并不是有人告诉我这场电影很好,而是片名吸引了我。我对西藏有种说不清的深厚感情,凡是有关藏区的一切,都让我能够投入某种情感:那山、那 “Gang Rinpoche” and our life is similar. Health, on the road; dead, but also on the road. As long as we come to this world, you will not stop, you will use your own pace to measure the length of life and the depth of the soul. Last month, “Gang Rinpoche,” just staged, I went to see the movie. To see this movie, not someone told me that this movie is good, but the title drew me. I have a deep, indescribable feeling toward Tibet. Everything about Tibetan areas has allowed me to devote some kind of emotion to that mountain.
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