1 1947年初,我军“三下江南”、“四保临江”作战获胜后,东北战局有了很大改观。敌机动兵力被削弱,由攻势变为守势,企图巩固其占领区,继续分割我东北解放区。我兵力得到加强,北满根据地已经巩固,但南北分兵作战,难以作到战役上及时有力的配合,给敌以更大的打击。鉴于北满地区无须重兵防御的情况下,东北局决心北满主力大举南下,打通南北满联系,把两个拳头并为一个拳头,放手打击敌人,以彻底改变东北战局。 5月8、9两日,东野一纵司令员
1 In early 1947, following the military victory of “Three Jiangnan Times” and “Four Rivers and Rivers”, our war situation in Northeast China has been greatly improved. The enemy’s mobile force was weakened from an offensive to a defensive posture in an attempt to consolidate its occupied area and continue to partition the liberated areas in northeast China. The strength of our army has been strengthened and the base area in northern Manchuria has been consolidated. However, it is very difficult for the north and south to split up their forces and combat them in a timely and effective manner to fight the enemy even harder. In view of the fact that North Manchuria did not have to defend heavily, the Northeast Bureau determined that the main force of the North Manchuria troops would go south and make contact with North-South full contact. The two fists would be fists and let go to fight against the enemy so as to completely change the northeast war situation. May 8,9 two days, Higashino a longitudinal commander