患者,女,20岁。因右上臂软组织多发肿物3年入院。3年来肿物无明显增大,3个月前出现肿物阵发性疼痛,间断发作,可自行缓解。查体;右上臂可触及多个实性肿物,边界清楚,呈椭圆形,表面光滑,有触痛,皮色正常。肿物最大约5 cm×1 cm×2 cm,可移动。彩超示右上肢肌层多发实性肿物,性质待查。MRI示右上臂多发软组织肿物(图1),性质待定。术中见右上臂屈肌内多个大小不等白色囊状、串珠状、螺旋形虫样
Patient, female, 20 years old. Due to multiple right upper arm soft tissue mass 3 years admitted. 3 years no significant increase in tumor, paroxysmal pain 3 months ago, intermittent episodes of spontaneous relief. Physical examination; right arm can reach a number of solid tumors, clear boundary, oval, smooth surface, tenderness, skin color normal. The largest tumor about 5 cm × 1 cm × 2 cm, removable. Color ultrasound show right upper extremity muscular multiple solid tumors, nature to be investigated. MRI showed multiple right upper arm soft tissue mass (Figure 1), nature to be determined. Intraoperative see the right upper arm flexor multiple sizes ranging from white cystic, beaded, spiral worm-like