为了使植物生理学更好地服务于农业现代化,联系到国内的植物生理学现状和存在的问题,我认为今后应当做好下面几项工作: 1.端正思想认识,抓好农业生产中植物生理问题的深入研究和推广工作: 对于实现农业现代化来说,基础理论研究和应用研究同等重要,不可偏废。目前,我国的经济还比较落后,农业生产水平较低,应当把直接为农业
In order to make plant physiology better serve agricultural modernization and relate to the current situation and problems of plant physiology in our country, I think the following work should be done in the future: 1. To recognize and grasp the problems of plant physiology in agricultural production In-depth study and promotion work: For the realization of agricultural modernization, basic theoretical research and applied research are equally important and can not be neglected. At present, the economy of our country is still relatively backward and the agricultural production level is relatively low. Therefore, we should directly refer to agriculture