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教育是一个不断探索与实践的过程,新课程改革要求老师打破旧的教学模式,探索出一条新的教学模式。如何才能充分发挥美术教育在素质教育中的作用,是许多教师思考的问题之一,在教学实践中,教师要改变自己的教学模式,就要多思考多总结。下面几点是我在教学中的一些探索和尝试。一、为学生营造愉快的氛围小学美术课本内容设计丰富,图文并茂,对学生进行美育、智力发展和品德教育等方面都有很好的作用。如果没有良好的 Education is a continuous exploration and practice of the process of reform of the new curriculum requires teachers to break the old teaching model and explore a new teaching model. How to give full play to the role of art education in quality education is one of the problems many teachers think. In teaching practice, if teachers want to change their teaching mode, they should think more about it. The following points are some of my teaching to explore and try. First, to create a pleasant atmosphere for students Primary school art textbook content rich in design, illustrations, students in aesthetic education, intellectual development and moral education and so has a good role. If not well
19世纪初照相术发明后,迅速在西方流行开来。当时欧美国家的摄影技术已臻成熟。第二次鸦片战争之后,一些外国摄影师及爱好者先后把此术悄悄带进了中国。  对这一新奇事物,清室王公大臣由最初的惊异逐渐转为赞美。兵部侍郎崇厚在《脱影奇观》序中称之为:“开数千年不传之秘……”刑部尚书崇实也赋诗称绝:光学须从化学详,西人格物有奇方。但持一柄通明镜,大地山河无遁藏!  咸丰、同治年间(1851-1874年),清宫
苏晓冬  1960年出生于辽宁沈阳。中国摄影家协会会员,辽宁省摄影家协会理事。