时至盛夏,北半球的经济却有点儿像刚入春的天气,乍暖还寒。从去年全球性衰退阴霾中走出来的人们,开始从上半年欧洲、北美、日本以及世界各地纷至沓来的经济数据中感受到经济复苏的丝丝暖意。但世界经济运行中潜藏的诸多问题和不确定因素,却在时时提醒人们,现在,还不是乐观的时候。 在美国,经济学家们正在争论其复苏后的走势,是一路向上,还是步履踉跄,或者是还会再翻个把跟斗?如果美国真的出现被有些经济学家称之为“双降衰退”甚至“三降衰退”的情况,全球经济增长的好转势头必然会遭阻遏。在欧洲,去年由于石油和食品价格的意外飚升以及受美国经济衰退牵
By midsummer, the economy in the northern hemisphere is a bit like the weather just beginning to spring, and it turns warm again. People who came out of the haze of global recession last year began to feel the slightest warming of economic recovery from the economic data that came in Europe, North America, Japan and around the world in the first half of the year. However, many problems and uncertainties hidden in the operation of the world economy remind people from time to time that it is not optimistic now. In the United States, economists are debating whether the post-recovery trend will be all the way up or down the road or if it will turn anew. If the United States really is what some economists call “double-dip recession” Even the “three declines and recessions” situation will surely hinder the improvement of global economic growth. In Europe, due to the unexpected surge in oil and food prices last year and the recession in the United States