艾尔伯特·米勒先生(Mr.Albert Miller)是大巴哈马港口管理集团公司(TheGrand Bahama Port Authority Group of Companies 简称GBPA)的联合主席兼总裁。在谈到经营“集装箱枢纽自由港”(Freeport Container Port,以下简称FCP港口) 获得成功时,他对来访者说:“确实没有想到,像我们这样的FCP港口竟然有如此巨大的吸引力”。在正式启用港口的短短18 个月内,他负责经营的自由港集装箱枢纽港的集装箱年吞吐量已经达到50 万TEU,与此同时,该自由港集装箱枢纽港口的第二期工程已经开始施工。
Mr. Albert Miller is Co-Chairman and President of The Grand Bahama Port Authority Group of Companies (GBPA). When talking about the success of operating the Freeport Container Port (FCP port), he said to visitors: “There is really no such thought that the FCP port like ours has such a huge attraction.” Within a short span of 18 months when the port was officially opened, the annual container throughput of the free port container hub operated by him has reached 500,000 TEU while construction of the second phase of the free port container terminal has commenced.