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地处武陵山区腹地的湖北省鹤峰县有这样一位颇具传奇色彩的村支书,他用自己十年的德、勤、能、绩,在县志上已经写下了如下惊人的奇迹:村里的集体积累由0.47元猛增到2.7亿元;由一个长期靠国家救济的穷山村,变成给国家上交税金每年递增百万元的富裕村;村办企业的系列产品由公司同行中的丑小鸭出落成跻身国际市场的金孔雀;村党支部成为全省唯一连续三届荣获“湖北省农村党组织建设红旗单位”称号。这位村支书就是年逾不惑、连续当选为第七、八、九届全国人大代表和党的十五大代表,被国务院表彰为全国劳动模范和优秀乡镇企业家,湖北省八峰药化股份有限公司董事长兼总经理姚绍斌同志。他将一块藏之深山的浑金璞玉雕琢成了一颗璀璨的明珠,放射出灿烂的光芒,被国务院领导视察时称颂为“中国山区农村的楷模”。 Hefeng County, located in the hinterland of Wuling Mountain in Hubei Province has such a legendary village party secretary, with his ten years of morality, diligence, energy, performance, in the county has written the following amazing miracle: the village The collective accumulation soared from 0.47 yuan to 270 million yuan; from a poor mountain village relying on state aid for a long time, it turned into a wealthy village with an annual increase of 1 million yuan in taxes paid by the state; and the series of village-run enterprises were replaced by the ugly ducklings Out into the gold medal among the international market Peacock; village party branch to become the province’s only three consecutive won the “Red Flag unit in rural areas in Hubei Province,” the title. The secretary of the village party was over-tempted and was elected in succession to the Seventh, Eighth and Ninth National People’s Congress delegates and the party’s 15th National Congress, and was commended by the State Council as a national model worker and outstanding township entrepreneur. Hubei Fengfeng Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. Co., Ltd. Chairman and Managing Director Yao Shaobin comrades. He will be a hiding of the mountains of the golden rough jade carved into a bright pearl, radiating a brilliant light, was inspected by the leadership of the State Council as the “model of rural China’s mountains.”
Supercritical fluids are becoming increasingly attractive as environmentally acceptable replacement for organic solvents in chemical reactions and material pro
【摘要】写作原指创造性的写作,后泛指对一般文字文书类的写作,兼有创作、记录、编辑、总结、整合等方面的内涵。它是指的是让学生由于语言自我表达感情,对世界,生活的一种认识和理解。  【关键词】中学 写作 方法  【中图分类号】G633.3【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2095-3089(2017)02-0080-02  在实际的教学过程中,写作是教师最为头疼的一项教学任务,学生更是不愿意花费时间去用在
剑桥能源研究协会 (Cambridge Energy Research Associates简称CERA)是一个专门研究能源市场、趋势和战略的国际性研究和咨询公司。它的服务项目包括现场的讲演和研讨会,各
The crystal structure of Ni(Ⅱ) complex with 3-hydroxyl-1, 5-diazacycloheptane-N, N’-diacetate was determined by X-ray diffraction method. Crystal data for Ni