为人继母确实是非不少。不管她们对前妻的儿女照顾得如何周到,也会有不少闲言碎语。我的继母贾玉贞也不例外。如今我已年近古稀,回首往事,手捧理智和良心,为继母说句公道话,作为对她老人家的怀念。 1942年春天我生母病故时,留下了我们兄妹四人。我是老大,正上乡村小学,弟妹都年小、生活不能自理。父亲迫于家务无法支持,于1943年秋天给我们接了个继母。继母来家时才30多岁,前夫经商赚了钱,喜新厌旧,抛弃了她,继母生性刚烈主动离了婚。以后,她靠在宝鸡市帮人为生。继母还是个虔诚
Stepmother is indeed a lot of people. No matter how considerate they take care of their ex-wives’ children, there will be a lot of gossip. My stepmother Jia Yuzhen is no exception. Now that I am nearly seventy years old and looking back, I have the wisdom and the conscience of my heart to be fair to my stepmother and remember her old people. In the spring of 1942, when my biological mother died, I left four of our brothers and sisters. I am the boss, is on the village primary school, younger brother and sister are young, life can not take care of themselves. Father forced to support his family, in the fall of 1943, took us a stepmother. Stepmother came home more than 30 years old, her ex-husband made money, happy new anorexia, abandoned her, stepmother mother sexually divorced divorced. Later, she lives in Baoji City for help. Stepmother is still a devout