
来源 :北京大学学报(哲学社会科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:justice
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安史之乱中唐将张巡领导的雍睢保卫战 ,以极大的斗争勇气和忘我的牺牲精神 ,抗击数十倍于己的叛军达二十个月 ,有力地阻挡了叛军南进江淮的通道 ,保证了唐王朝钱粮重地免遭破坏 ,不仅创造了军事史上以少胜多的一次典范战例 ,而且 ,谱写了一曲壮丽的爱国主义战歌 In the chaos of the Anhistory, in the Tang Dynasty, the Tang Yong defends the war under the leadership of Zhang Xun. With great fighting courage and selfless dedication, it has taken decades of counter-insurgency against rebel forces for several decades, effectively stopping the rebel forces from entering the Huaihe River Channel, to ensure that the Tang Dynasty money and grain from damage, not only created a military victory in the history of a classic example, and compose a magnificent patriotic battle song