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为期3年的中药保健药品整顿工作将在2002年11月底如期完成。 国家药品监督管理局药品注册司司长曹文庄介绍,按照整顿要求,各地经过初审,共上报2 429个中药保健药品批准文号参加整顿,占总批准文号的55.6%。目前,国家药监局对上报的2 429个品种中的1 664个进行了技术审评,占申? The three-year reorganization of Chinese medicines for health medicines will be completed as scheduled by the end of November 2002. Dr. Cao Wenzhuang, Director of the Department of Drug Registration of the State Drug Administration, explained that according to the requirements for rectification, all localities had passed preliminary examinations, and a total of 2,429 Chinese medicine health drug approval numbers had been submitted for reorganization, accounting for 55.6% of the total approval number. At present, the State Food and Drug Administration conducted a technical review of 1,664 of the 2,429 varieties reported.
属于Phelps Dodge公司的Henderson矿山,是世界上最大的生产顶级钼的原生矿厂,位于科罗拉多州地区,坐落于洛基山脉大陆分水岭的东侧。钼矿石通过15英里长的传送带运送到分水岭
1 资料与方法rn1.1 一般资料选取长春地区各医院2004年11月至2007年3月出生的正常新生儿,进行新生儿疾病筛查共计28 500例.新生儿疾病筛查的病种为苯丙酮尿症、先天性甲状腺
Background Bevacizumab, a humanized monoclonal antibody against vascular endothelial growth factor, has shown promising activity in recurrent malignant gliomas.