穿心莲片系爵床科植物穿心莲的干燥地上部分提制而成,广泛用于各种细菌性及病毒性感染。现将此药引起过敏性药疹1例报道于下。 患者,男性,39岁,因急性咽炎服穿心莲糖衣片5片,服后0.5h,即觉皮肤发红,瘙痒,继而药疹越发越多,皮肤剧痒难忍,经厂医处理未见效而来急诊。患者素来健康,无过敏病史。 体检 体温37℃,脉搏100次,呼吸22次,血
Andrographis Department of Sirocentric Branch of the plant extracts of Andrographis pan from the ground made, widely used in a variety of bacterial and viral infections. Now this drug caused allergic drug eruption reported in the next case. Patients, male, 39 years old, due to acute pharyngitis service Andrographis paniculate tablets 5, after serving 0.5h, that the skin redness, itching, and then more and more drug eruption, the skin itch unbearable, the medical treatment has not come through effective Emergency. The patient has always been healthy, no allergy history. Physical examination temperature 37 ℃, pulse 100 times, breathing 22 times, blood